Essential Self-care Tips for Busy Moms

Essential Self-care Tips for Busy Moms

Let's face it, being a mom is hard. In this busy world, there are endless errands to run, housework to do, and kid's activities to participate in. When you are also balancing a career outside of the home, things can get even more hectic. A busy schedule often leaves little time for self-care due to the amount of time spent caring for one's family and exhaustion setting in.

Making time for yourself may seem indulgent or selfish, but that's not the case. The smallest acts of self-care or self-kindness can go a long way in reducing feelings of exhaustion, burnout, stress and even depression that busy mothers often experience.


Here are some quick tips for implementing self-care:

  • Schedule your "me time."

Add a "date" with yourself to your calendar and protect it. You can pamper yourself with bold and stylish clothes. You can attend a fitness class, have lunch with a friend, or read a book over coffee. Try your best to keep the appointment once it has been scheduled.

  • Stay organized.

Maintain a planner, calendar, or to-do list for yourself and your family. Avoid becoming overwhelmed by prioritizing tasks. Get the most time-consuming and least interesting tasks out of the way first.

  • Focus on basic healthy lifestyle habits’

Get seven to eight hours of sleep each night. Make an effort to exercise each day, with a goal of 150 minutes a week. A healthy diet should include lean meats, low-fat dairy, fruits, vegetables, and whole grains. Drinks containing sugar, alcohol, and foods high in fat should be avoided. Stay hydrated by drinking 6-8 cups of water a day.

A note from Motherly

Self-care doesn't have to be perfect. All it requires is a willingness to find space to look inward. A mother's health and well-being affects the entire family. Making self-care a regular part of your routine will help you become a more effective caregiver. You've got this, mom.

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